OK....it's been two months since i've posted...no biggie, right? Just some thoughts....David Cook wins American Idol. That's my dude and all but I thought for sure that Archuleta was gonna win hands down. Not sure if winning Idol is always in the person's best interest (ex: Chris Daughtry, Josh Gracin)
I'm getting old....actually thought it was really cool getting to meet Richard Marx last week at Wildhorse Saloon. He performed with Matt Scallan (?) who is the lead singer for Vertical Horizon (Everything
You Want, I'm A God). Now, some concerts that Sara and I go to are meant for rockin' out (Aerosmith, Bon Jovi, Def Leppard) and others are just to appreciate music. That's what Richard Marx's show was about....great acoustic work, no drums, only played keyboard on a couple of songs...the rest was guitar and that includes Should've Known Better and Don't Mean Nothin'.
And btw, kudos to the people at Wildhorse....we had gotten tickets that were to put us at a table near the front with other people. When we arrived, there was only one seat because there aren't assigned seats in the saloon. We told the manager that wouldn't work and we needed to sit next to each other so the manager grabs a smaller circular table with two chairs and puts it right in front of the stage and the people that had taken our seats were now graced with looking at the back of my big balding head! Felt pretty good for a moment so the picture is how close we were...not too shabby!
Today I made dinner for my wife...she's been working real hard at her job and I knew she could use the kind gesture. Granted, it was Hamburger Helper, corn and some salad but since I had just thought of it at about 3:00, I think it turned out okay. Sara has asked me to do stuff like that in the past and I really appreciate what she's sacrificing so that we can live from month to month while I figure out this whole youth ministry thing. She drives 30-40 minutes to work one way into downtown Nashville (actually West End but close enough) and sees almost 100 patients a day checking with her to end their day with their doctor. She learns quick but she's always enjoyed working in the health field and with people. I love my wife for doing what she's doing for us.
Praying for the tornado victims....it's been a crazy year and we've had some close calls. I thought West Texas was exciting when it came to weather....middle Tennessee has its share and it feels like it's been going on since February. Pray for relief with the gas....$60 to fill up my tank...I'd like to thank George Bush and our lawmakers for allowing this travesty to continue. Just my opinion. Pray for our youth group..a big three weeks coming up with Nashville Work Camp and our summer camp...two things I have never done before. I mean, I've done camp but haven't been a director of one...every day has been a learning experience and I'm finding out something else that I need to do everyday just to stay organized.
This is the answer to my prayer when I asked for leadership opportunities! May I take this bull by the horns and run with it!
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